Welcome to Henry Hudson Regional's Club Page!
Arte Club: Advisor - Krista Phair
Students will work on group projects and enter into art contests. They will also develop different techniques with different mediums such as watercolor, paint and clay. This club helps students understand their is no wrong way to express their creative side.
A Capella Choir: Advisor - Nick McGill
This audition-only group performs in the community at many functions including the Strauss House holiday gala, the Bayshore Pharmacy Fall Festival as well as during both band concerts. Students learn proper singing technique while performing without a piano accompaniment.
Band: Advisor -Nick McGill
Jazz Band: This auditioned group is a full 18 person big band where we learn the basics of all genres of jazz. Students improvise solos and play the classics. We also person in the community for various events including festivals and galas.
Pep Band/Marching Band: This varsity-applicable group performs at the home Keyport High School home football games during the fall. In the spring, the students march in multiple parades including the Highlands St. Patrick's Day Parade and both the Atlantic Highlands and Highlands Memorial Day parades. All students in middle and high school are eligible to participate.
Book Club: Advisor - Dianne Distasio
The Book Club is open to students in grades 9 -12. The Book Club is a group of people who are reading the same book and who meet together to discuss what they’ve read. It promotes a love for literature and a positive attitude towards reading. The Book Club helps students become stronger readers by combining collaborative learning with student centered inquiry. The whole purpose of Book clubs is for students to read and discuss literature with their peers in a small group setting. Students select a work of literature that they will read and discuss together. The Book Club meets regularly, at least monthly or more frequently if time allows. Ultimately, they select the book to be read, determine the pace of reading the book, prepare for and run their discussions and critique and evaluate the book when done.The heterogeneous grouping of the Book Club permits students of slightly differing abilities to learn from each other and to work from their areas of strength. They get to pick books they are interested in and read for fun.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA): Advisor -
FCA is open to students in grades 7-12 at Henry Hudson. FCA is a certified ministry that is initiated and led by student-athletes, sponsored by coaches, supported by staff, established on junior high, high school or college campuses and meets on a regular basis. The types of Campus Ministry are: Club Huddle, Team Huddle, Chaplain Huddle and Coaches Huddle. The school campus can be one of the most strategic mission fields with many youth passing through this portal. FCA focuses on equipping, enabling, empowering and encouraging student-athletes, coaches and adult leaders to impact and influence their campus for Jesus Christ .
Gay-Straight Alliance: Advisor - Kathleen Boylan
The Gay/Straight Alliance is open to all students and meets 1-2 times per month. This club is a safe social and support group for students to meet, support each other and to become educated on issues facing students with various backgrounds, sexual identity and sexual orientation. The group attempts to educate themselves and others about unity, acceptance and understanding. The group also works to end discrimination, intolerance and bullying in schools.
Health Careers Club: Advisor - Holly Akers
The Health Careers Club is open to all grades. It holds monthly meetings and participate in fundraising activities to support disease/cancer awareness throughout the year. The Health Careers Club is perfect for any student interested in a Health Career and/or Health related issues.
- The Health Careers Club reviews current data on Health Related Issues affecting people today.
- Members pursue volunteer opportunities in the community.
- Students are encouraged to learn about career opportunities in a Health Related field. They seek opportunities to tour various locations including hospitals, nursing homes or other medical facilities.
- The Health Careers Club adopts a needy family every holiday season. The students will shop for individuals and wrap gifts to prepare for delivery to family.
- The Health Careers Club participates in National Wear Red Day. Students make posters. They research causes of Heart Disease. They provide information to other students and staff concerning the disease. They also sponsor a dress down to raise money to donate to the American Heart Association.
- The Health Careers Club participates in Breast Cancer Awareness month. They make posters and hand out literature on the topic. They mail to the American Cancer Society.
- Coordinate and facilitate blood drives for the Central Jersey Blood Bank. Select members of the Health Careers Club (in good academic standing) assist during the drive. They sign in scheduled students and staff.
- Members of the Health Careers Club take an annual trip to the Health Awareness Center in Freehold. They tour the facility. The presenter gears presentation to our student interests. They discuss health related and other issues affecting today’s youth. The facilitator also talks about job opportunities in the health field.
- Additional fundraisers are held on as needed basis.
- Additional community field trip opportunities are considered. Kids are encouraged to seek any interesting community learning experiences that are relevant to Health or the medical field.
Health Careers Club: Advisor - Holly Akers
International Club: Advisor -
The HHRS International Club celebrates multiculturalism in the US and around the world. Each month, the club members choose a new culture to explore. Members bring in cultural food and music and discuss the significant aspects of a particular culture. The club also raises money for international causes such as Doctors Without Borders and an orphanage in Mexico. The International Club is open to all students in grades 9-12. Meetings are held 1-2 times per month, depending on the activities and interests of the students.
Journalism Club: Advisor - Brian Rooney
The Henry Hudson Regional School newspaper club is open to all students in grades 7 -12 who have an interest in journalism, writing, editing, and publishing. Journalism club students conduct interviews, report on school news, write articles and poetry, and produce a newspaper. "The Echo", the formal name of the school newspaper is published periodically throughout the school year.
Key Club: Advisors -Paige Davis and Dianne Distasio
Open to all. Meets once a month. Activities are on average 2-3- per month.
Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership. The core values of Key Club International are leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness.
National Honor Society: Advisors - Dawn DeSanto
- Scholastic Average: 94% Cumulative Average
- Completion of 5 Community Service Projects OR a Total of 15 hours
- Community Service Hours - These projects cannot be school-related activities held during school hours
- An excellent record of behavior in and out of school
- Leadership roles in school and/or community activities
Admirals for Change: Advisors - Scott Isaacs and Brian Rooney
The Admirals for Change club (formerly SADD) is open to students in grades 7-12 who are interested in making less destructive decisions in their lives. SADD stands for Students Against Destructive Decisions. Originally it was designed as an alcohol and drug free club. It is now for anyone interested in learning how to make healthier decisions; not necessarily involving the use of substances. The SADD club will be involved with the SOS program this year. Activities will highlight the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse and addictions and making connections with trusted adults within the school setting. October is national Inhalant Month; October also has Red Ribbon Week, which highlights the dangers of drug use; December is Don't Drink and Drive month; April is Alcohol Awareness Month.
Science Club: Advisor -
The Science club is open to all students in grades 7-12. Students are given an opportunity to extend their inquiry in topics of their choosing. Meetings consist of enrichment labs, long and short term contests, as well as entries into local and national scientific competitions.
Skills USA: Advisor -
SkillsUSA is a national organization for secondary students to demonstrate their leadership and world of work skills. The organization is open to all 9th through 12th graders who are interested in honing skills needed to become the 21st century workforce. SkillsUSA conducts state competitions in areas that range from TV News Broadcast and photography to Prepared Speech and Community Service, many competitions lead to a national level. Come join SkillsUSA and become better prepared for the future.
Student Council: Advisor - Dawn DeSanto and Karen Tay
Class Officers for grades 7-12 may run in an election and be voted into office by their peers. Positions for grade 7-11 are President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Grade 12 includes all of these positions, as well as the additional position of Board of Education Representative. The Student Council meets with Student Council Advisers, faculty and administrators to share ideas, interests and concerns in order to benefit the student body. In addition, Class Officers meet with their individual Class Advisers in order to raise funds for their class activities.
Technology Club: Advisor - Nancy Shaffery
The Tech Club is open to students in grades 9 –12. The Tech Club designs and builds robots for fun and/or competition. Take the challenge! Brainstorm with friends and bring ideas to life as you build robots with fellow classmates.
Theatre: Advisor - TJ Bodnar
MEMBERSHIP: Open to all students, grades 9 – 12
NUMBER OF MEETINGS: Depends on the play
MEETINGS: Rehearsals for approximately 12 weeks for musical
The Admiral Players Musical is produced each year by the High School Theatre Management Class. . Auditions are open to students grades 9-12. Students are also needed for props, costumes, make-up, publicity, and set construction and painting. The Musical rehearsals are usually from December to March.
MEMBERSHIP: Open to all students, grades 7-9
NUMBER OF MEETINGS: Depends on the play
MEETINGS: Rehearsals for 7-9 weeks for Fall Show
The Junior Admiral Players is produced each year by the High School Theatre Management class. In the past they have presented a comedy, a mystery, and junior musical. Auditions are open to students in grades 7 through 9. Rehearsals usually start in September until the performance date.
Yearbook Club: Advisor - Holly Akers
The Yearbook Club is an excellent opportunity for students to work together to capture the memories and events of the school year and provide their peers with a lasting memento that will bring cherished memories to life for years to come. It is an exciting opportunity for any student grades 7-12. If you would like to get involved, there is something for everyone! Imagine playing a part in the development and publication of your schools yearbook.The Yearbook Staff responsibilities may vary by each individual. Based on interest, each student has their own responsibilities. They meet with Ms.Akers individually throughout the school year.
Group meetings are held monthly. It is not necessary to attend every single meeting. If you are involved in another club and there is a meeting the same day, you can check in with the advisor.