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052522 BoE Special Meeting; Regionalization-Audio
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Added Jun 15, 2023
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all rise for the flag salute of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God with liberty and justice for all it was obviously yesterday morning children and Americans across the country woke up to some of the most tragic news said that you could possibly things with the loss of 15 students Elementary School in Texas obviously all the really want to hear about such a tragic loss of life before we getting tonight I just asked everyone please get sour Warheads science for all of those lost in this tragic thank you so much I want to personally cheeseburger cheese grinder for today they are open your presence has a lot on his mind so I just want to publicly thank them before we begin and with that I'll turn it back over to mr. heater the schools of the tri-district Foster an inclusive community that promotes diversity of thought and experience and the cheese and oriented environment statement of attitude love covid-19 25th 2022 special events and Regional Board of Education Asbury Park Press the record for the oldest open Mother's Day open bones members of the Board of Education and the superintendent in Rivergate motorists are presented to the board of education for discussion that final action may be taken this is your monkey balls and now it's time for the presentation of the tricuspid regionalization study show me pictures Bush School District as we have a conversation this is a long process I know that this is on the top of your mind and how many school board meetings across the state. important information immediately walk with me to move our presentation in Tulsa I called you in to order so I apologize in advance for that this has been going on for a long time the possibly come up with some juice for a long time 2019-2020 2027 children's songs Sherlock on YouTube do you have a house key from Kean University Dr Nixa who is a warrior I want time I've been to a colleague of mine but the board in the bed last night what's in what's in that obviously it's important as we put together and put a lot of thought of a lot of consideration okay you want to be respectful of all of you and you can have and still on the board of education with your question about time you bring those questions down okay what's the boys thank you for great to be back here by the way my name is Brian so you were fired at Kean University in your living room I was asked to look at it and not to come up with any extra if you work with a team Financial experts essential questions of what are the three ways for a non-operating district she's right to take away 62 and I knew very well like you said being here for you doesn't receive right we got the bill for Windows you can see it just about so we'd certainly one we were hired Katie in my position currently a king at the retired 23 years as superintendent is Vice President of educational initiatives relatives of pre-K twelve worlds that's what I was getting to me so the research arm of King University only because instructional program and save and save the taxpayers as much as I will look further into that with some options with local to Atlanta molding for Darien Shrine in solitude between programming 21 Google changed with people for example, we looked at the school at 7:12 a part of a three piece dress transporting children buses taken seriously here in the Highlands Middle and High School students the neighborhood number Staffing would be bought but we would be able to run when you recommend that you do for me on purpose to an all-purpose well what district too much to type of Transportation if you start sending children to school before 6 MPG efficiency as we look at this and we would back up. This Way Lady Gaga little more creativity let's be straight OK Google 1350 call Raymond Taylor I want to look at any certain time still get service that would be worked out and we'll get into that for the financial part of it but information system so finding a very good news restructuring the wallpapers of current model 223 cases nothing to change children we need to know the difference that is going to one large structure nine board members and then we decide it's plain that late a little bit later once you could edit one business or somewhere around there that could be did every single need to principal you wouldn't be living principals and vice-principals and as we go forward that's good beating. Movie4u navigate to Station schedule programming Department agreement DIA extracurricular activities even on the same school go to one now one government structure one District umbrella I warrant they are efficient way you can create a plan for when the school day starts what time do Elementary rating cast facing just remember when this is all starts to take place in open Waze to put it on it would go on and I'm sure they can communicate which day is a staff take a look at it and give it a quick workout the one collective bargaining mobile 1011 years ago it was done under strict rules and laws like the shading created to give you opportunities and consideration it doesn't do anything but it was elected officials community at Large to make this decision and I think I'm going to make it use a fan it's going to be available for questions the cricket halfway and you should be proud of your Community member taxpayer has been really looking at it from the lens of sheer service all purpose purpose of luxury just makes you like a child whole child is being educated and opportunity to do the Grand Canyon what are the efficiencies which is typically the physical matter now I have to turn to my father here teacher assistant Michigan straighter and has work for a few businesses that cater to the business side of charter schools around State and wellness will school a to-do. Mosquito from Bryan I've never heard of that joke so I can University to study for Sahara the first scenario is to examine and continuing Hudson Liberty so we can get an abortion so what are you going to do what I was programmed to pick up worm thank you mercenary was work today first one we looked at the status quo what is Howard Henry Hudson Regional look like and you know we went into details of the report look at the tax out of tax income tax is currently how it looks in 2024 and how it looks going after point secondly we looked at the creation of an all-purpose freak A Regional School consolidated I'll ask and Hudson Hudson method to allocate the regional pass level amongst those two communities so again so this is taking the tri-district making you a regional district and doing so looking at different of course contain methods in order to figure out a taxi third scenario we went down. original Doom All Purpose Pre-K Regional School District that consolidates or bad Highlands in Hudson so except we looked at text taxes for two different communities but there are pros and cons in Highlands and how could we make it most active Ultra Pro pro and filing a report will look at the creation of Earth violence violence and firemen Hebron and she has such a state tax levy of portioning scenarios & Final so with the interesting part about looking at the finances it's you want to discuss budget versus and dirt and what do I do so when we look for RJ we can have stabilized and decide to reason why I do things what is that means that the budget self stabilizer stabilizer that means Cascadia that's been lowering from last it won't continue to lower over the next couple years and therefore will stabilize after dating again the budget with remains increased expenses of course that's been impacted by you and how it's different from taxes that we did our stuff primarily attacks this stuff and we can also put our primary financing and if we came up with Lexus if he's an example of next feeding taxes or tax reduction of went to say 3 million in figures total taxes are reduced by food 2015 you can't have the we are going to show them to have reduce expenses I recently and those reduce expenses to him a quote for Budget Angie and that's really it. I don't know if you pretend that you do can you save the million dollars decides to give that Family Dollars in tax relief to the point out the differences between budget savings for Budget tax increases for tax deductions this is why I went to work 31 cables inside this report this is one that we have some savings and here we have Express the positive numbers you could see that he had business office and some staff 245,000 induction glyphic Services became a hundred 1000mg. You need special ed cost roughly 9:10. adjusting the neck average cost about $270,000 plus that whole body finally have average want my net profit so that you would feel that I'm your one but you won't feel it's just a feeling pineapple project versus taxation I'm not going to ask you so when I talk about the different scenarios the first one. 2024 Auto tax levy in Cuyahoga Falls on purpose week so here were just looking at it and Tylenol and Hyland's burrow around the back inside the first time I see there's an envelope a person's equalized value for Simmons the first ones you're very kind of person I am accounts property 0 in the bottom a black guy and then go find you find a once again we're Atlantic Highlands and Islands Borough both state taxes but if you look at it you don't currently you can see that there is there aren't many situations where land Highlands Subway in this particular case deposit will not receive his back to see if he got stuck behind a Long Island Borough so if we consolidate consolidate Highland and Highland Boro Equitable share you can meet the next why this next flight shows the average savings one with his 1-year the second slot is multiple years this is why I want to talk about into plus save and share agreement full of Corrigan 4000 3488 this is the new law for consolidation allows air to be some sort of Boss cities sharing agreement volume four so we're recommending that if you discharged this trip comes together as one Regional that there'd be put in place. this was the last day of every month basically I'll look again tomorrow. Justin has Seabright history it's okay 7 Mile and Hayes and not right present 7th and Keefe it's over look at 100% what's the ratings to Atlantic Highlands being negative $4,000 in taxes versus Highlands for a 1.6 hey so you can see the value of and as you move down the scale you can see that it doesn't become an official Force to brighter once you get down to that 7:30 ring I used to go across Michael Lohan wake me up 7:30 you come across these kids are so crippled out real quick and go to 1.1 million 512000 + 5 so we try to find somewhere where all three districts for all three four of us have the most played most Equitable taxes and we found it to be 70 to 72% and 20% decline in value scary pineapple and we have the skating rink Mike Dallas original so this could be even more tomorrow we didn't get into that I'll be in the study on that because that's really a decision for me somebody to make you recommend that there in summer again for following his particular me a double ask you care if you're looking at this year. So maybe if there's something will actually go over there now. so what do I do final part of Mesquite Finance at the armed individual Finance these findings are collected where's the Jesse all on at once so first we find that Highlands Road in Henry Hudson Regional should elect to use the slower has to pay. Schedule as described in S3 S3 40s 3488 that means 3s 3488 allows Highlands Road Andre Hudson so we recommend that happening ASAP it's only going to see them so that's something simple Bratayley I want you by the way. No one has published online replied that if I post things like that so ASAP with the latest, something that's important number to purpose to the existing limited-purpose Regional Preserve Thailand Thailand Thailand and Sea Bright students in K through 12 to form of all purpose Arthur our recommendation is to expand into not dissolve and create a new one. This one ready but use a 70% of 24 valuation method the balance to projected tax levy Seasons among security Ford explore the possibility of implementing a cost-savings shared room in between the land Island and hiring more equitably Jack in the Box near me go get me some of that last date and we also recommend some cost-saving sharing agreement you'll see that there is number for Chisholm and I put an underlying to put in the bowl because again 125 all of us and you happy as soon as possible so the quicker we quicker the boards of the communities decide the more syllabuses is it that is a cost-benefit good evening everyone. My name is take a look at Alaska List I'm still waiting Annabelle appropriate time. so you are too long School so what is a purpose to what the heck is going on in other words a cowboy song That's Amore so number options hold on so . so as well as me to get to the vegetation Monster High and I want to see that subject don't forget the music summer Shanty Road then following the legend of 4 chapter 3 review or lose across the street if the local districts are in season extra large challenge watching blue board concentrate did you get the picture you're going to work Farm in Plymouth after the referendum number for the new after the first election the phone number to the North Regional Courthouse Electric PlayStation 3 tomorrow's weather score of the San Francisco right now to that so along the street. play honor Steven Universe. Chula Vista theater those who have tenure listen to everything established pull up lawn those districts will have the grave no worry about putting people on fishing for a higher salary we're not sure but we don't have any specific regulations follow at this point is very very interesting. take me to store so is farro that is being a relationship with another school district for school district look up in the Bob because there's no spook with the governing body consideration Maplewood Mall Clarkston so and then state tell them we don't know how long he will probably and when I say that there will be broke I am so in terms of time the potential cost savings with respect to deadlines. Anime possibly and then we can decide how do we eat that money 8 not getting bogged down in the process it's possible that an application might be made to the state for a in all my horses the photos to prove between in the Bible be able to do Department change it to consideration forward University in Lawrenceville rather than this solution I can look at it so we're running around in the morning it's a similar process what with the music and always the trailer for men backflip during the game of the Dawn Treader stalking shaving cut with a person on the 17th and as soon as baby. I guess that's okay Chihuahua hold your own eyes are adjusting to the light in here I guess the lights are just enjoying a well-earned or reporters to get a large Mass Detroit Henry Hudson Regional School District if that's the case as well so far been with one other state clarify if that's okay and so we don't necessarily know how old is Peter Battaglia because what you want to do is being watched state of New Jersey no pressure and this one was very confusing but we're doing our best not expect a meeting at all for parents to understand that that's a covid-19 four chairs make sure that the board members have any questions or comments on Clippers make those issues Community if you have questions or comments and watching for microphone support numbers no questions were any women out there we go okay please use the mic okay thank you so much I mean about it, Highlands Elementary School Board I think I do for fun you mention transportation and with regard to the two elementary schools not being changed and one of the reasons for not changing them is to eliminate or order Boyd Avenue transfer is there any exploration of using the current busing system is used for Henry Hudson to transfer his I'm stupid in focus like I said that the primary focus for us wisdom some some savings a lot of different scenarios in regarding to Thailand Thailand and one of those mirrors we have to look at invoice and he's a little bit too he still found it back to school that's why I know just how to say it was a two or three buses that will save your in that particular scenario or 270 would go down to 120 and you can still be insignificant I don't know if you identify you ask me a question correctly Elementary School student I thought a lot about this over the last 14 years I would like the boards to really explore and think about having hours to days do you need to combine two populations where we take me to Linda 45 days or maybe it contains 250 down that wasn't on table because we didn't want the kids box back and forth and not talking to me because we are between Highlands in Atlantic Highlands elevation of seven eight nine 10 11 12 brothers and sisters go to elementary school so I was wondering if when we were talking about not spending money on Transportation because then you would not see the saving I was just wondering if we have a fleet of buses that transport kidney where at so did you keep talking about her taking if you have to cuss finally the financial diet the recommendation was a Winchester. buses are ready when we were talking about are buses that we use at any question right now is supplemental vocational route for special education route we do some of our changing all of our second we would have to add additional buses and drivers and start and then we can moving kids around and then are buses supplementary angles comedian talking about why the decision is to keep the two separate. neighborhood schools in a primary focus There's No Buses meeting for the current going to make you School buses to be had a virus that the state has been reported throughout the state remove tears. a transportation cost issue and maybe a little bit about Community is there anything like about how much education do academic studies or anything about rap videos there's no comparison between my performance and students come from one District or curriculum has actually having three when it comes to my duties for the intake process has and what it cost to send 25 Number 3 either where to buy potatoes 25 understanding over and over and over again thank you so much Robinson Court I also have a question so I can see right now is there going to be wasn't hippie projector we have a witness to use the while I'm selling we have to expect start time to maybe perhaps two runs when he found out now and I'm not to be serious enough to see if you could come through student portal and also what do we need to point out specific that is a animal that is a commercial like I said sequential all those windows Mountain Sweden ever won last night certain time who does Katara Oceanport Oceanport have an understanding right now the kitchen. Disconnect all of a sudden 14 doors not open for negotiation which is the conversations are going to start conversation which factor to whatever comes forward with information is available to understand the kids are how many of them there are be a wild we have to plan for 54 kids wherever they are at. So we just don't know. conversation 72 size 8 for her birthday 23 the town paper restaurant near me August but this year if you want to do November 11th I'm sorry I didn't go back to the reference yeah I think he still want to hear this is still the first kind of go around on this cell phone McDonald your how late into the the year ago today what would maximize Devastation clarify you were feeling rushed in summer don't know for some reason like you were not ready to move forward for this November you could do it in December I'm not suggesting that I just want you to know more information would we still be able to talk about it so you know it's hard to pinpoint what year did the commissioner will allow them to get the Frozen the orthopedic doctors perform you recommend as soon as possible so what do you recommend did you give your 24 looking at our team and our cables inside of our study you focus one-year specifically looking for closer to being on the board and then leave it out there this year 2019 so far excuse slip for regular so there find out exactly what they refused to do so are 24% of 23.5 okay I just just to clarify that you happen to have somebody really knows more than a lot of us do because he may or may not have helped draft the legislation and were told that it didn't we just do that the election have to be in the same year should have a new book by April there's a table date you have to be within that year in order Middle School but it would never, ever question are in the package industry Foundation the three years that won't baby it's based on where this floor is rhythm and presumably within that. You would go she ate a new contract out of that would apply that's the that's the goal designer Paws to little disruption to the current District as possible National poll okay so there's no other comment your questions right before then because I just wanted me to be someone who's here you haven't used to be yet you know if you want to stay in the background if you still have it do either way how to check my credit rating of legislation we've been working with Mark I know that. The beans has been working with us tonight you are he's from this deep Genie Center for Public Policy Prospero and University he obviously has questions but at least helped design it but if there's any comments that you liked working working working. episode 3 contracts you're welcome 1 movie okay so thank you very much for being here tonight and for offering your support into the board through the superintendent Eddie on the Friday special production meeting this has been an arduous process for all of us with a children's playground think about Wednesday's Wednesday in the microphone and holding this year so if you could just make a whining or stand up if you don't want the address for the record if a referendum questions know how is it worded so that the motor is understand with the tax increase thank you we're going to get we're going to wait until the question to the answer to pile them all together and then a man even if you can hopefully don't forget me Highland Ave Highland Square islands in Atlantic Highlands stay healthy as they are for the elementary school and then Haynes Elementary Schools is in need of repair School is that going to recommend a how do we ensure accountability for the small school hi need a burger 120 East Washington Atlanta Highway my questions who has final four days so I'm assuming that the board's vote at the dentist maybe the council and then I'm suing the Alexa and I just want to make sure what golden needs to happen and put on a salad before a certain date and after the November election or are there other dates that happen I'm just looking for a timeline as to help with that the possibility of litigation and when I look at the tag baby hi Aunt Kylie Highlands School District text service so how is that going to be distributed in addition to other how long is a normal life get reimbursed by the in the cities for the services that they provide who are the other districts because I don't think it was at the time I don't think this is something that had to finish up a time so I can play if you do, so don't want to eat and the next week the cost savings chilling be among the three community if there's a new school board District 11 Woodbury Commons thank you dr. Thank you for so how important is it for the ounces on the boards to pass a resolution to send this petition to the commissioner so we can find out if we're even going to be I think that's to the town of castor Revolution what town has not yet passed their coaches. and I went to school Rejoice with the force the river geographical center we come over here but I should be looking at it and thinking about it seven Board of Ed and reduce 52 this legislation is all about 272 the fishing for the last 50 years so I think what day is it legislation is what's going to be taking me down the road to get this going to Jersey. What's the weather like Gentilini greeting I'm on call in line I guess thank you there appears to be video game but in order Alicia Morton take me to consideration how much afterpay if text is from the land of This Magnificent over and above your school so I was wondering Sheridan Sheridan if you just Reach In My Eyes for three schools the different from something that could have been done fifty years ago 50 years ago there's a lot of pride in it thank you as we both shall be asking me questions about the different people who are aware of it which is is something that I was to look at all. and subsequently High eyes and ears as soon as Washington and Portland, Oregon let's see if the changes in population died in Florida equity so that if I don't think I'm in town 12 people say that it is right now also with the who does all the world new years ago when you spoke to Hunter 10 years for them to do this and it was a Grassroots effort to the Board of Education question is how long does it take a bunch of Indian Point or so they're fat didn't have to be has always said the ideal number 40 district is 3000 so have we ever I've always felt that if he wants the education how do you spell shortly unless we're almost there. so why not look at it and not just this little piece of it there's a lot of any other comments available so you can actually follow me you could have been website 44 in Hindi she is bringing a lot of people. 54.51 / 0 unfortunately I don't know if I'm a felon so we got everything I'm not sure whether Super 8 in Atlanta purple Supply I know the meaning of. 2% Chargers 2017-18 so what are comets questions from the Minnesota Highland Illinois phone number for Eye Care in Newark Penn Station by Katy Perry clear that the president will not be benefit in public before the public right now we are going to think we all figured out who's answering One summary get to one of your questions where can I find a hang around here a little bit if you want to stop us and talk to us whenever people would talk the board members to do that okay right now I'm feeling lucky the gallery ask this question the answer is yes and we have to work on it and that they are playing and what the proposal the war in a manner that is knowledgeable you are the best truck make that happen so if we can get the next question is where do we buy students go to talk about is there a follow-up question to that was to pay for the upgrade of your nation and what do you want of me Brooklyn, Ohio yes this is from Lewisville so the question would be I want to work we have one project at 1:40 to send you your food ideas and you still haven't seen any issues and or problems they are currently has with building and Facilities nothing would change their focus a lot on are there are operating in the long way a large project those types of large so that back around. If I gave you another photo of all the Brewer's Kettle part of the region patient soda to go on Twitter it was about how I didn't catch on the videos again. Weather how does Mayans get me first for snow removal on Saturday one of those, Angela, I carry the foot and another gentleman came up two weeks ago the tax levy increase with the years he says that he sees it going on at 80% and that will truly handsome examples on how to fix up your facility so that is a fetish get me my coffee actors of that region with pay for those particular School I know jumping with you put Silverstone with my pulse rate is similar and then there was a comment on you're stepping on lights on even getting her and I have mentioned earlier in the actual presentation that budget so give me a Xanax taxes and put the pastor is saying you don't have to pay that any longer I thought they just a lot of individuals know that feeling out there that individuals want this taxi to the savings for the resin so I can go back home from school so I don't know I don't know about a mechanism to get those taxes back use to increase your energy on 2%. Perhaps it's something that can be explored to get into a higher Bradford are swimsuit like 90% maybe all the fish up to 2% for 500,000 do you want me to do the same for $600,000 so that's also why I don't know if if you go to bed I was worse. show me a question what's the next question serious question won't let you go. Go big or go home and when was proposed that have to bring on a 22 versus to take a look at it when Highlands Hudson of the superintendent it's so we'll take a little food for thought for the board members to consider so we took a look at that verify with the lady's number to the highwomen immigration in there Monday and come back the district was The Perfect Storm if you start it in Spanish you don't have to another study. Westworld Ranch in new condition -2.7 scale viability Malaysian are recommendations when they dissolve and the purpose and take a look at it and it's been in the news about the weather when high tides near me that was playing I didn't want to put you in the loop. talk about it other districts are very complicated a larger study May Pen maybe we can have a few because door is open. This is just talked about in terms of the Sea Bright so it doesn't bring me some of the complications of medical District flu report don't have to go through Shuffle District are there in a large forgive me for not having the name there was a question about who has final Authority what is the timeline that could be Google simultaneously to the state however Friday after this goal we believe believe but and eventually we want to bring some gray in his will but just a little bit about the impact of the piece of legislation that allows and she break her just to leave exit the district I know there was a question earlier about the fact that litigation just goes to a lawyer you did not necessarily legislative away litigation because Warriors are warriors and then in the end we call for argument that's our job and so you can imagine that reviews for Shore Regional and I are thinking of because Country Financial I think it's a weaker argument in view of the law that was adopted in December it would be records of us to not consider that because Jackie is this is helpful to us but we still have to deal with the fact that we are likely to be more civilized you can still order obviously when they limited the amount operating an artistic 18th district probation Indian communication fueled by what's the weather Scituate movie theater navigation anywhere you want occasionally be there in five. the statue is somehow related to their contract right and unconstitutional and that's why what we're saying here is that under the statute are you going to have a problem we'll stick around and come tomorrow. So we will okay I know I was clicking on so bad on the timeline and whether you would be dates for the phone so I understand Wireless for that so those are my options and supply respect to that questions also so about that absolutely is a prerequisite for anything moving Aurora weather normal part of the counter studies anarkali with me and Uncle yesterday I guess normally speaking the Board of Education in Macon we party until our 7 a.m. and that's the objective I think it needs everyone's if it's the process of getting there that are slightly different so what should we have recognized he realized there was a typo in front of the days of the world 2021 occasionally it was a question about how would we how much is gold there was a question my Allison the last year when she still important question about study here they had to close down the school wait who won School District that's the difference between the two there's a lot of stuff that has to happen dissolvable School District yourself location one more question what are you doing today one of them boys what's the fashion meaning Sharon dimensions it's only talk about snow removal with Highlands she wasn't taking in consideration when talking about all she ain't no way we offered was a begin that folds into a question from a woman who writes the carcinogen however closet they want on a back for it so it's over with that's always something that they finally woke up with my Financial Group record I'm continuing questioning the clarification to Seabright Woodforest. would we monks get really hyper Heroes versus into our recommendation was for the chicken wings for laying tiles and highlights and not to be in Truth, The Firm in Florida so we can always go out that the best bet were for both we thought of that one text Gwendolyn we didn't walk all the way back who do you want to call you for about the relative to each other and so when we look at it we went to 2017 if you look at the way that friends are for the decisions District those eagle eyes. relatively at the same speed and in the same day doesn't change the percentages as far as a fortunate is concerned. okay so we have time for a few follow-up questions if there's a couple people in those and genuinely believe you were here is missing his name and address to record please just didn't address me right now please it was a question regarding Commissioner of Education or is it the superintendent County Superintendent of Education because I never know what you're talking about the district has to be 3,000 people are more gray is not going to take that 3,000. Am I so and that's not quote but what is finished Michigan. Do sloths going to stop if you run into a little while cuz that's what the but you're not coming to visit you know we're going to make it better we're going to change that's my question I had stopped going to make you just at the edge of any of the questions and follow up I'll get you an answer I think a lot of people like the idea of combining and everyone's in the back. So just to reiterate what I said before. we have to equal 4 and have every million tax season so not like a billion facility and that has to go to the population at large but want to have relations more backed into one you too, sweetheart Atlantic Iowa elevator 95% 7228 Ocean Avenue what's the time now OK Google are there any other districts in the state of New Jersey considering. Any other comments or questions based on all hello, how are you answering those followers how much is tuition at Michigan has no Authority. working 10 hours today let's move it schiavone I'm going to beat you up Bittersweet Ski Resort I thought I knew you would like to go on the ballot in school are Coronavirus Social Security I guess it advantage of other moving forward. watching movies. So do you see something bad 7th District and basically 3000 100 perfect ice cream post offices near me I did everything I mention if I woke up at 3 why not fishing at this time and I have a question I really wonder woman who Briella the district at least your decision made in the free K12 Focus across the state and accomplished a lot here as a great mama from the state because sweetie three districts Regina so I was responding to there was a comment about driving it. sweetie 314 fluctuate throughout the year 7212 that's always available right now. when we talk about cm of a Power Ranger dad said he was just recently done in Andalusia thinking the last year to write -2 regionalization Arthur Street Springfield similar to other species which $6 saving across the count if it works so probably have school so when you start to talk about Sandy and Counting property value in this house larger more complex to look at that Woman versus evaluation that abortion in the state of Georgia versus are studying studying is produced and set it 955 vs RX 5700 in the question was do you know what was the process where which question goes on the ballot do you like sports demo a would have to agree on a portioning out percentages and then that particular agreements between those Burrows and it push up the commissioner and then the commissioner then get that approval and then once I get those down any questions you have to know what would happen if they got a better deal Lexi were going to head to deals with the curtain from The Shore Regional an ocean Border in Sea Bright to put that question forward to their voters that's what it just isn't very interested in some of your friends and greater you represent position breakfast that's how this process will go and create the district. regionalization it is well commissioner and only do one star cheats give hit the song called before I adjourn on behalf of the poor alarm 4:30 a.m. tonight where we're going to do this when was bored numbers up just like you Rubik's Cube
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